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Главная » Файлы » Программы » Модификации для cs 1.6

SuperHeromod 1.18e

Супер херо мод, для вашего кс сервера. Версия 1.18e

Установка мода:
1 Скопировать папку configs, plugins, scripting в amxmodx
2 В файл plugins.ini добавляем всё из папки plugins: sh_anubis.amxx, sh_batman.amxx и т.д.

Команды для SuperHeromod

amx_shsetlevel - Sets SuperHero level on players
amx_shsetxp - Sets Players XP
amx_shaddxp - Adds XP to Players
amx_shban - Bans a player from using Powers
amx_shunban - Unbans a player from using Powers
amx_shresetxp - Erases ALL saved XP (may take some time with a large vault file)
say /superherohelp or /help - Help MOTD popup
say /herolist - Shows a list of heroes and powers
say /playerskills - Shows you what skills other players have chosen
say /playerlevels - Shows you what levels other players are
say /myheroes - Shows what heroes you have picked and their power binds
say /clearpowers - Use this to clear all powers and repick your heroes
say /showmenu - Displays power menu if you have heroes available to pick
say /drop - Use this to drop just one hero and pick another
say /whohas - This will show who has the specified hero

Скачать: SuperHeromod 1.18e

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